We are delighted to welcome the Rev Kina Robertshaw as our new rector, who was formally installed as rector of all the parishes in our benefice on April 18th. Kina was previously Associate Minister at Bromyard where she gained considerable experience of working in rural communities. Kina was born in Angola and left home at 17. She was a successful entrepeneur in the fashion industry until she started to train for full-time ministry. She carried out research on Christian entrepreneurs for a master's degree and has co-authored a book on the subject. Kina can be recognised by her broad smile, her enthusiasm for meeting and talking to people and her dog, which she takes for walks. For those who want to know more about Kina, her website is Kina Robertshaw
We welcomed some very special overseas visitors last month who had travelled from the USA. They share their family name with that of our village, Billingsley. We hope they enjoyed their visit; their comments in the visitor book would seem to suggest they did.Looking through the visitor book no fewer than 29 entries have been made so far this year. This is something of a record and certainly makes up for the times when visiting was difficult during the pandemic. Many of the comments left by visitors make note of how special St Mary’s is and they are pleased to find the church open. We are quite sure that many more have visited but preferred not to leave a comment.The church is always open and welcomes all regardless of faith or those of non faith. The church and it’s grounds offer a quiet space for contemplation, reflection and prayer. It is also full of many significant historical features, local history and interesting artifacts.; leaflets are available to guide you around the church and provide background information. There is also a well used book exchange which visitors are welcome to take advantage of.
Early July saw the return of Alex from Caring for God’s Acre and a small group of local volunteers to work in the churchyard. Over the past 6 years the churchyard has been carefully managed, apart from the difficult times during the pandemic, according to a plan drawn up by Caring for God’s Acre and the PCC. During the day tasks were divided between maintaining the newly planted flower beds and the summer scythe.Much of the grass area is managed as wildflower meadows and is scythed in spring then, once the grass has grown and flowers have set their seed, again in midsummer. During this cut any flowers that are yet to seed are left. The autumn scythe and any winter cutting replicates what would naturally have happened in the past when animals would graze vegetation to the ground. Yellow rattle is one wild flower that is particularly welcome as it is capable of competing with the grasses and making way for other less robust flowers.There are many advantages to scything with traditional tools. The grass is cleanly cut rather than mulched and can be easily raked up. This in itself is important to deprive the area of nutrients; lush grass inhibits wild flower growth. The process of cutting and collecting is completely carbon zero and no noise pollution either so we able to enjoy the sound of bird song while we worked; it is also a jolly good workout!The good news is that due to some neighbouring trees being reduced the wildflowers in the south eastern corner in particular have flourished. The area was buzzing with the activity of bees, butterflies and other insects. A couple of toads were discovered while scything which may otherwise have met a sad end if a strimmer had been used. Whilst working our way through the churchyard it is quite astounding how many different species of wildflower can be seen; it is well worth walking slowly around the area to fully appreciate what is there. Each species plays its own valuable role in the workings of what is a very successful and thriving ecosystem. Sightings of newts and sloe worms have been made during previous visits but sadly they eluded us on this working day. It is worth noting that the rough grass left around gravestones is where you are most likely to see sloe worms and other invertebrates.A circular bed has been cleared and planted with a rose, lavender and carnations plus some petunias to commemorate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee; we are still awaiting flowers from the rose who seems a little reticent to share her beauty at the moment. Two flower beds either side of the porch have also been created this year following the removal of two unruly bushes that afforded little ecological benefit to the churchyard. They are planted with a variety of perennial and herbaceous plants that have been chosen for their attractiveness to bees in providing nectar from early spring right through to the autumn; they are mostly native species. To compliment the south facing bed a beautiful stone birdbath has been generously donated by Eveline Prescott to commemorate the jubilee which will provide a welcome drink for birds and bees alike.Perhaps the jewels in the crown are the two ancient yews that live in the churchyard. The larger male is in the process of shedding old needles and growing vibrant, new ones. The smaller female is looking a little less healthy and we are arranging for a specialist arboriculturalist to come and adviseon the best course of action. It may well be that this is simply a stage in the natural cycle of regeneration of a yew as she puts down branches to the grounds which will then take root and ensure her survival.There are times in the year when the appearance of the churchyard may give the impression that it is unloved but nothing could be further from the truth. We aim to keep paths mown and tidy. Apart from the spraying of the drive and the French drain no chemicals have ever been used on the ground creating a unique environment for nature to thrive.There is a display in the church which provides lots of information about the management of the churchyard and there are plenty of guides too to assist anyone who wishes to identify many of the different varieties of flora and fauna that may be found in the grounds. There are benches where anyone is very welcome to sit and reflect and we hope that the friends and family of the departed appreciate how special the churchyard is. We are truly blessed in Billingsley to have a taste of heaven on Earth.