Facilities and features


There are toilets available when the church is open, which is approximately 10 am to 4 pm every day.

Are available in the new toilets.

Car parking can be either in the road out side the church if you are unable to walk far or in the Village Hall car park up on the B4393, approximately 100 m from the church entrance.

There is a wheelchair accessible toilet in the new porch.

There is space at the bottom of the ramp by the church notice board.

Is available at the village hall back up on the B4393 where there is limited parking.

The access to the church is now absolutely level, hooray!

There is a sound system available that incorporates a hearing loop.

There is always a large print version of the weekly reading and notice sheet.

Would be welcome.

A gluten free diet is always catered for either in communion or refreshments.

Our Building

Generally between 10am and 4 pm.

Stained Glass

Grade 2* listed building that features in many guide books.

Music and Worship


Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

There are small pamphlets with information available for purchase.

The church is opened on a daily basis but locked in the evenings.

Other Features

The church is situated in a pretty village which is a conservation area.