Sunday services in the Bure Valley Churches

Monthly. Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Services are held every week in the churches of the Bure Valley - please do check the venue details
Services are held every week in the churches of the Bure Valley - please do check the venue details, United Kingdom

First Sunday of the month
Buxton Church at 9:30am - Holy Communion
Lammas Church at 4:30pm - BCP Evening Prayer

Second Sunday of the month
Burgh Church at 9:30am - Holy Communion
Brampton Church at 4:30pm - BCP Holy Communion

Third Sunday of the month
Lammas Church at 9:30am - BCP Holy Communion
Buxton Church at 11:00am - Family Service

Fourth Sunday of the month
Marsham Church at 9:30am - Holy Communion
Brampton Church at 4:30pm - Evening Prayer

Fifth Sunday of the month
Aylsham Church at 11:00am - Holy Communion - Team Service

Family Service

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Buxton: St Andrew
Mill Road Buxton Norwich, NR10 5JE, United Kingdom

3rd Sunday in the month at 11:00am - The Family Service with a less formal approach and the opportunity for children to become involved, and, following the service, which is often shorter than that on the 1st Sunday, there will be light refreshments and often children's activities.

Coffee Morning

Monthly. Every Fourth Saturday at for 2 hours
Buxton: St Andrew
Mill Road Buxton Norwich, NR10 5JE, United Kingdom

An occasion for Coffee and conversation, with cakes, bacon rolls and other light refreshments, and the opportunity to make a donation. A raffle is also held. Half the proceeds of the event (donations and raffle) are given to charity.

Midweek Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Tuesday at for 45 mins
Buxton: St Andrew
Mill Road Buxton Norwich, NR10 5JE, United Kingdom

4th Tuesday in the month at 11:30am - a short Holy Communion Service followed by a light lunch. (The lunch being optional.)

Team Service

Monthly. Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Aylsham Parish Church
Aylsham Parish Church

On the 5th Sunday join us for our Team Service at Aylsham Parish Church at 11am!

Group Holy Communion

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Buxton: St Andrew
Mill Road Buxton Norwich, NR10 5JE, United Kingdom

1st Sunday in the month at 9:30am - Holy Communion. This last approximately one hour and is followed by coffee afterwards. (The taking of communion is open to all, but it is recognised that not all will wish to partake, which is equally acceptable.)