
Members of this church commit themselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of the children, young people and vulnerable adults in their care.  The church safeguarding policy can be downloaded below.  Please get in touch at once if you have any safeguarding concerns. If you feel you have not been heard, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding lead, Sue Brice, as below, or Norfolk Social Services.  

Church safeguarding lead: Ian Newton 01328 830947   [email protected]

Rector: Rev Ian Whittle  01328 830246

Diocesan Safeguarding lead: Sue Brice: 07958 377079

Norfolk Social services: 0344 800 8020

Weblink to the Norwich Diocese safeguarding page:

Useful contacts for the safeguarding team

Sue Brice Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (07958 377079); [email protected]

Peter Sayer: Assistant Safeguarding Adviser (07342 999386): [email protected]

Helen Norris: Safeguarding Training Officer (01603 882345): [email protected]

Safeguarding training from the Church of England is available at:

Safeguarding_policy_2024, DOCX
