Amanda returns from El Camino

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<span style="font-size: 1rem;">Amanda has now completed her walk along all 790 km (500miles) of El Camino Frances, an ancient pilgrim trail from St. Jean Pied de Port in the French Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela in North West Spain. She completed it in an impressive 24 days. In her blog at she wrote:</span>

"So at the end, why do people walk the Camino?

Amanda joined us at the church family service on December 8th and answered questions about what it was like and why it was significant.

To find out more about why she went on this journey, why Priscilla Bacon is so important for Norfolk, and to sponsor her, please visit her JustGiving page at:".

and read about her daily experiences on my blog at

For any additional information please email her on: [email protected].