Related Churches
Shernborne: St Peter & St Paul
The church is in the heart of the small village, when approaching down the hill (yes there are hills in Norfolk!) from Dersingham you are met with a wonderful view of the church. A simple, informal morning worship is enjoyed at Shernborne usually once a month.
Ingoldisthorpe: St Michael & The Well
A hidden gem of a church, situated next door to the Ingoldisthorpe VA Church of England Primary School.
The occasional services at St Michaels are of a traditional flavour, either Morning Prayer or Holy Communion. Contact our Church Secretary, Pauline Martin, to find out service times.
If you wish to visit the church a key can be collected nearby - details are on the church door.
Also in Ingoldisthorpe, The Well Café Church and community café is a ministry of St Michaels held in the Church Hall, originally the Mission Hall, on Hill Road. The Well seeks to provide an open and accessible space to come and ‘drink deep’ from the living water of Jesus Christ.
Our Church at The Well meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 4pm with complimentary drinks available from 3.30pm. Different in approach to conventional church, we have a time of a relaxed, informal café style church, which may particularly appeal to people looking for a more accessible place to explore more about the Christian faith and who Jesus is.
The café is open Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings, 9am - 12.30pm
Come along to find out more! Visit The Well website
For more information about our group of churches please visit: St Nicholas Church, Dersingham
Dersingham: St Nicholas
Whether you are moving into the area, visiting or on holiday you are most welcome. We are excited about the future of God’s church, seeing God at work in the life of His church and how we are increasingly able to share the Good News of The Lord Jesus Christ both locally and further afield.
Please do join us for worship. On Sundays there are different distinct styles of worship; 9:30 ‘The Gathering’ (contemporary with worship band) with childrens groups, and then there is also the 11am Choral Services (Sung Eucharist or Morning Prayer with choir and organ). Also there is worship at different times within the other benefice churches at St Mary the Virgin Anmer, St Michael and All Angels Ingoldisthorpe, St Peter and St Paul’s Shernborne. Visit the Calendar page
We are excited to have launched a new church called The Well, this is a cafe church generally meeting on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at 4pm with lovely barista drinks available and worship in a cafe style. Visit The Well website.
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