The organ at St Andrew's

1888 built by Wordsworth & Maskell of Leeds and placed in the North Transept.2011 Restored and action lightened by W & A Boggis DissThe organ has a considerable amount of carved wood decoration, including two trumpeting angels at the top and a further angel at each side of the attached console. There are twenty-one gilded display pipes (the shortest in the middle, the tallest at the ends). Blowing is electric.Department and Stop listPedal Key action Tr Stop action Me Compass-low C Compass-high f1 Keys 30 1 Soft Bass 16 $ 2 Bourdon 16 Great Key action Tr Stop action Me Compass-low C Compass-high g3 Keys 56 3 Open Diapason 8 4 Pierced Gamba 8 see note 5 Stop'd Diapason 8 6 Dulciana 8 grooved 7 Principal 4 8 Flute Harmonique 4 Swell Key action Tr Stop action Me Compass-low C Compass-high g3 Keys 56 9 Open Diapason 8 grooved 10 Keraulophon 8 grooved 11 Lieblich Gedact 8 12 Viol 8 TC 13 Vox Celeste 8 14 Principal 4 ConsoleConsole type attached Stop type drawstop Pedalboard flat parallel angled jambs; Swell stops arranged in unusual order:- "the Keraulophon andVox Celeste are adjacent, suggesting that they are the “strings”,while the Viol is at the head of the column, above the Principal,suggesting that it may be a keenly-voiced flue intended to be useas a pseudo-reed.CouplersSwell to GreatGreat to PedalsSwell to PedalsSwell Super Octave to GreatSwell Sub Octave to GreatThe two pedal stops are the same pipes and sound identical; evidently,the Soft Bass was to have had wind cut but this is no longer in order;Note: Gt Pierced Gamba:-added knob, pipes removed 1980(c.).