<br>Lord we give thanks to you for each person who lives in this road, you know each one by name, you know the joys and difficulties in their lives. We pray that you will shower each person with your blessings this week and ask that you will bring them closer to a knowledge of your love for them. Amen
Father God, we thank you for the joy of human love, and for all those among whom we live and work. We pray particularly for all who live in York Road for those who are worrying about their health, circumstances or life direction. We pray for those in that road who do not know you, or whose faith has been shaken. We ask that each person in York Road will come to know they are loved by you and experience your peace in their hearts.
Holy God, sometimes our lives are so full of worries that we forget how you look after us through every aspect of our lives. When our worries begin to spiral out of control, help us to turn them into a conversation with you, confident that you will calm our anxiety and give us hope for the future. May the people of Volta Terrace now your presence with them throughout this week. Amen
This is one of the longest streets in our parish.Lord God, you see inside each home in this street, the joys and sorrows, the hopes and fears, the pain and grief of each person. For each of these people we pray:Gentle God,grant that in these homeswhere people are most truly themselves,where they are known at our best and worst,may they learn to forgive and be forgiven.Thank you Lord, that we can all know your forgiveness,and your presences through the ups and downs of life.Amen.