Women's Breakfast

Saturday 23 March 2024, Saturday 25 May 2024, Saturday 27 July 2024 Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Over breakfast, we have a time of looking at a thought from the Bible, sharing what is going on in our lives, and praying for each other. We meet at 9:30am Saturday in the church lounge.

The breakfast is bring and share - but come even if you can't bring anything!
Organised by the Women's Ministry.
Contact: Christine Chenery (01502 563 131)

Christ Church Lowestoft

Welcome to Christ Church!

We’re a friendly church at the heart of Lowestoft, seeking to know Jesus’s love for us and to follow him together. We’re always glad to have new people along. Even if you’ve never been to church before, why not come and visit us at a Sunday service...? Here are our Sunday services:

10am – Our Morning Service

4:30pm – Café Church (monthly in our Church Halls)

6:30pm – The Gathering (Church Lounge)

As a church, we’re committed to keeping the Bible central because we’re convinced that it’s in the Bible that we meet Jesus. As well as Sunday services, we’ve got lots happening during the week to help everyone get into the Bible and discover the joy of knowing him. Explore to find out more...

Get in touch

Church Office Administrator

The Church Office
Christ Church
Whapload Road

NR32 1XD
Church Office
01502 584 557

Our website

What's on

Women's Breakfast

Saturday 23 March 2024, Saturday 25 May 2024, Saturday 27 July 2024 Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Over breakfast, we have a time of looking at a thought from the Bible, sharing what is going on in our lives, and praying for each other. We meet at 9:30am Saturday in the church lounge.

The breakfast is bring and share - but come even if you can't bring anything!
Organised by the Women's Ministry.
Contact: Christine Chenery (01502 563 131)


We are committed to safeguarding children, young people, victims/perpetrators of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website. Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Lorna Stather, who may be contacted at church or by email. Alternatively, please feel free to contact the Safeguarding Adviser for the Bishop by using the contact details on the Diocese of Norwich website.

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Christ Church Lowestoft Charity No. 1131184