
Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Age: 11–18 years
Time: 6:30–8pm Fridays (term-time)
Contact: Eddie Timberlake (07796807735)

Breakout meets on Fridays to chill out, play games, and eat tuck. Every week we look at a bit of the Bible together. Whatever you think about Jesus, Breakout is a great place to find out what he says and to see how he can make sense of our lives.
Cost is £1, but come along and try for free!

As well as Friday nights, we have theme evenings and once a year we escape our parents for our weekend away!

Morning Worship/Prayer

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

As well as meeting in person, the morning service will continue to be livestreamed over YouTube (just click here for videos on our channel).

We love having visitors, especially if it’s your first time. Our services last just over an hour, and you’re welcome to sit anywhere. Ask our Welcome Team at the door if you have any questions, including directions to the toilets, information about children’s groups or use of our hearing assistance system. Please do stay for tea or coffee and a chat afterwards.

We have now restarted our Children and Youth Groups alongside our morning service.

The Gathering

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

The Gathering is our Sunday evening service at Christ Church. It’s an informal service with a mixture of songs, prayers, news and at its heart a Bible talk relevant to life today. Currently, The Gathering meets in our Church Halls. Please note: once a month we run Cafe Church at 4:30pm instead.

Please note: once a month we run Cafe Church at 4:30pm instead.


Every Tuesday and Thursday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Shrimps is our popular Parents and Toddler Group. Staffed by volunteers from our church family, Shrimps welcomes parents, grandparents, guardians and their little ones.

We have all sorts of toys, arts and crafts. We also offer mid-morning refreshments, and a chance to listen to a short bible story, sing songs and make a joyful noise!

Each session costs £2 per family, and runs during school terms. All are welcome, space permitting.

Age: 0-4 years
Time: 9:30-11:15 Tuesdays and Thursdays (term-time)
Contact: Julie Dennison (01502 583 068)

Shrimps runs during school terms.


Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Waterlane Leisure Centre
Waterlane Leisure Centre, Waterlane Leisure Centre Lowestoft, NR32 2NH, NR32 2NH

Location: Waterlane Leisure Centre
Time: Wednesdays 6-7pm
Adult Fee: £3.50
Student Fee (16+): £2.50
Contact: Eddie Timberlake (07796 807735)

If you are interested in playing badminton, then feel free to come along! It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an advanced player, just come along, have a go and have fun!

Explorers Club

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Age: 7–10 years
Time: 6:15–7:30pm Thursdays (term-time)
Contact: Thursdays: Don Wimpenny (07423060554) & Beth Flatt

Explorers Club meets on Thursday nights for an action-packed evening and to learn about Jesus. Thursday night costs £1, but try it out the first time for free! Please use the registration form on the website. On Sundays, Explorers meets alongside our morning service to discover more about Jesus in the adventure story of the Bible.

Candlelit Carol Service

Sunday 15 December 2024 at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Lowestoft, Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Our Candlelit service is a special experience—the church is all lit up with lanterns, with classic Christmas carols and readings.

Legacy Holiday Club

Tuesday 04 April 2023, Wednesday 05 April 2023, Tuesday 02 April 2024, Wednesday 03 April 2024, Tuesday 28 May 2024, Wednesday 29 May 2024 at for 6 hours, 30 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

We are a fun and friendly holiday club packed with loads of sports and games to get your child active over the school holidays!

Planned sports include: Football, Kwik Cricket, Dodgeball, Benchball, Unihoc, and Ultimate Frisbee.

The cost for each day is £10, £7 for children on free school meal vouchers (please get in touch for discount code on booking). Children need to bring their own packed lunch and drink.

We are a part of the Sports Factory programme under the Diocese of Norwich (Church of England). Team members are staff and volunteers from Christ Church Lowestoft and are DBS checked. During each day there will be Team Time slots on a theme related to the Christian faith.

JUNIORS (6-9 years): TUES 08:45 - 15:15 SENIORS (10-13 years): WEDS 08:45 - 15:15 (school holidays)

Women's Breakfast

Saturday 23 March 2024, Saturday 25 May 2024, Saturday 27 July 2024 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Over breakfast, we have a time of looking at a thought from the Bible, sharing what is going on in our lives, and praying for each other. We meet at 9:30am Saturday in the church lounge.

The breakfast is bring and share - but come even if you can't bring anything!
Organised by the Women's Ministry.
Contact: Christine Chenery (01502 563 131)

Food in School Holidays (FiSH)

Monday 08 April 2024 at for 1 hour
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

We offer FREE lunch for the whole family during the school holidays.
(You must have school aged children to be eligible).

You can book online:
Telephone: 01502 537 527
Email:[email protected]

FiSH is a project co-ordinated by Lowestoft Community Church and delivered by various churches across Lowestoft.

During school holidays

Saturday Club

Saturday 02 March 2024, Saturday 06 April 2024, Saturday 04 May 2024, Saturday 01 June 2024, Saturday 06 July 2024 at for 2 hours
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Age: 3–7 years
Time: 10am–12pm Sat once a month, Oct–Jul
Contact: Pam Hicks (01502 584557)
Cost: £1 (free to try)

Let your parents go shopping (boring!) and come join Saturday Club for songs, craft, cooking, games and Bible stories!

Café Church

Sunday 14 April 2024, Sunday 12 May 2024, Sunday 09 June 2024, Sunday 14 July 2024 at for 1 hour
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Café Church is our fun-filled all-age service! It’s great for people who would like to try out church and great for families who’d like to learn about God together.
Meeting in our church halls, around tables, there’s a real community buzz as together we enjoy songs, interactive Bible talks, prayers and share buffet food.
Happening once a month (normally second Sundays of the month), the service runs for 4:30 ̶ 5:30pm followed by food.
It’s all free and you can just turn up at our next one. See our website for the next date or get in touch with our Families Coordinator: [email protected]

Christingle Service

Tuesday 24 December 2024 at for 1 hour
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Lowestoft, Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Come and join us for a fun time together for the whole family on Christmas Eve. Hear the Christmas story, sing carols, light the Christingle candle, join in with family and friends. There will be two services at 3pm and 4:30pm.

Christmas Café Church

Sunday 08 December 2024 at for 1 hour
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Come and join us at Café Church, our fun-filled all-age service! It’s great for people who would like to try out church and great for families who’d like to learn about God together. It's a fun time together for the whole family on Sunday 10th December. Hear the Christmas story, sing carols, join in with family and friend.

Meeting in our church halls, around tables, there’s a real community buzz as together we enjoy songs, interactive Bible talks, prayers and share buffet food.

The service runs for 4:30 ̶ 5:30pm followed by food.
It’s all free and you can just turn up at our next one. See our website for the next date or get in touch with our Families Coordinator: [email protected]

Messy Church

Thursday 25 April 2024, Thursday 20 June 2024 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Age: For all the family!

Cost: FREE!

Time: After school!

3:30–4pm Refreshments & games (halls)
4-5pm Messy Church session (church)
5pm Dinner (halls)

Church but not as you know it! Messy Church is church with fun activities for everyone to get involved, a special story-time, songs and a yummy dinner. This is for parents and children together.

Christmas Day Service

Wednesday 25 December 2024 at for 45 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Lowestoft, Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Our Christmas Day service is a 45-min all-age service celebrating the heart of Christmas.

Christingle Service

Tuesday 24 December 2024 at for 1 hour
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Lowestoft, Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Come and join us for a fun time together for the whole family on Christmas Eve. Hear the Christmas story, sing carols, light the Christingle candle, join in with family and friends. There will be two services at 3pm and 4:30pm.

Women's Fellowship

Wednesday 13 March 2024, Wednesday 27 March 2024, Wednesday 10 April 2024, Wednesday 24 April 2024, Wednesday 08 May 2024, Wednesday 22 May 2024, Wednesday 12 June 2024, Wednesday 26 June 2024 at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Christ Church Lowestoft
Christ Church Square Whapload Road Lowestoft, NR32 1XD, United Kingdom

Women's Fellowship meets to enjoy friendship and worship and to hear guest speakers.
We meet on selected Wednesday afternoons, 2:15:-3:45pm, in the church lounge.

In the Summer, we'll have a Strawberry Tea in the Vicarage garden, and at Christmas we'll have lunch at a local restaurant.

Contact: Maryann Chiverrell (01502 730 655)