About Us
First and foremost, we are simply a group of Christian believers who meet week by week (and at other times
too) to worship God, learn more about Him and therefore get to know Him better, and to help others meet Him too.
We are part of the Church of England, and an evangelical church - that is, we believe in the Bible. We therefore aim to teach the Bible in our services and to our children and young people, so that those who have Christian faith may grow in this faith, and those who are not committed may have the opportunity to discover more about Christianity.
We believe a personal relationship with Jesus Christ makes all the difference to life both here and in eternity, and we like to share our faith with others.
Over the summer period until 30th September the church is open to visitors on Saturday mornings from 9am to 1pm. Please come and look round; find out the history of Britain's most easterly church. Our volunteers will give you a warm welcome: you can either have a chat and a drink with them, or sit and reflect for a while and soak in the peace.
Both church and office are open from 9am to 12 midday, Tuesday to Friday apart from periods of annual leave.