Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Bike Ride 2022 & 2023

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Several church members made a special effort in September 2022 to visit as many churches as possible on the day of the Norfolk Churches Trust Bike Ride. Not only did we raise nearly £800 for our church it seems we were the most improved church, recently collecting a cheque for a further £1000 at the presentations for the 2022 Bike Ride on Thursday 31st August at Prior’s Hall in the grounds of Norwich Cathedral.

This sponsored Bike Ride is run every year and raises funds in support of work to help maintain all our wonderful old churches scattered across the Norfolk landscape and is held in early September. 

Friends of All Saints Church again took to the saddle, seat and shanks's pony in September this year raising a further £780 for this wonderful charity. It was a blisteringly hot September day and we were glad of the opportunity to see inside some beautiful old Norfolk churches and to experience the wonder of God's very own natural air conditioning!

For more information visit or contact Bernard Chase Tel: 07899948986 or Email: [email protected] for a sponsorship form. 

Get planning for next year today!