Facilities and features
Included within the disabled toilet
Extensive car park situated to the rear of the churchyard behind the church. A lit path leads to the church. For access, take the first left as you proceed up church lane which immediately takes a sharp right turn before leading up a single track with passing points leads past the East end of the church. Car park entrance is on the right at the top of this track. Two disabled parking spaces are situated adjacent to the church entrance. For access, do not turn right but continue all the way up church lane to the church entrance itself. Disabled spaces are on the left.
Two disabled parking spaces are situated adjacent to the church entrance. For access, do not turn right but continue all the way up church lane to the church entrance itself. Disabled spaces are on the left.
Our Building
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
Highly successful coffee morning cum produce stalls held by monthly. Notices will be posted around Filby Village.
Open Gardens weekend during July
Help for Visitors
Church open every day between 10:00 and 16:00 approx.