Sunday 17th December at 6 pm Carols by Candlelight Bergh Apton Church

for 1 hour
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

Bergh Apton's annual Service of lessons and carols is an evening when the village comes together, with friends from many other places, to begin the Christmas Journey lit by the light of 150 candles, lifted by carols and readings, and warmed by friendship.

Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul

If you have any Safeguarding concerns for a child or vulnerable adult, or if you are worried about the behaviour of somebody towards you or another person, please speak to us immediately. Contact either:

The Rector: The Revd Christopher Ellis 01508 484174;

Or the Named Person for Safeguarding: Mrs Leo Smith 01508 493695; email: [email protected]

Further advice is available from the Diocesan Safeguarding Team:

or contact:

Childline: 0800 1111; website:

Local Authority Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: 0344 800 8020

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

In an emergency do not delay – phone 999

Get in touch

Rev'd Chris Ellis (Rector) / Shirley Rimmer (Churchwarden)

Shirley Rimmer
01508 480576(C'wrdn)
What's on

Sunday 17th December at 6 pm Carols by Candlelight Bergh Apton Church

for 1 hour
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

Bergh Apton's annual Service of lessons and carols is an evening when the village comes together, with friends from many other places, to begin the Christmas Journey lit by the light of 150 candles, lifted by carols and readings, and warmed by friendship.