Saturday 7th October - An Illustrated talk ‘Endings & Beginnings of Gardens & Houses’

for 2 hours
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

Xa Tollemache and Hopwood dePree bring their considerable talents to this talk which might be entitled ‘Rescuing a Ruin & How to win a Chelsea Gold’ - but is actually so much more.
Some 50 years ago, while In her mid-20s, Xa Tollemache took on the redesigning of the Helmingham Hall gardens. Her success launched a new and challenging international career in garden and landscaping design that included a gold and two silver-gilt Chelsea awards.

In the early 20-teens, US film-maker Hopwood DePree, discovered that his grandfather’s stories about a grand ancestral home, Hopwood Hall, were not just bedtime fairytales; they were true - it was in northern England but it was now nearing dereliction.. He set about reversing the damage wrought by 100 years of neglect.

Their experiences were combined into a talk presented at the Chatsworth Literary festival during the summer. Join us to hear it for yourselves.

The event is to raise funds for Bergh Apton Church and Ormiston Families

Tickets including refreshments and parking: £12.50 by phone 01508 558440
or online via the Eventbrite link on our website

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Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul

If you have any Safeguarding concerns for a child or vulnerable adult, or if you are worried about the behaviour of somebody towards you or another person, please speak to us immediately. Contact either:

The Rector: The Revd Christopher Ellis 01508 484174;

Or the Named Person for Safeguarding: Mrs Leo Smith 01508 493695; email: [email protected]

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or contact:

Childline: 0800 1111; website:

Local Authority Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: 0344 800 8020

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

In an emergency do not delay – phone 999

Get in touch

Rev'd Chris Ellis (Rector) / Shirley Rimmer (Churchwarden)

Shirley Rimmer
01508 480576(C'wrdn)
What's on

Saturday 7th October - An Illustrated talk ‘Endings & Beginnings of Gardens & Houses’

for 2 hours
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

Xa Tollemache and Hopwood dePree bring their considerable talents to this talk which might be entitled ‘Rescuing a Ruin & How to win a Chelsea Gold’ - but is actually so much more.
Some 50 years ago, while In her mid-20s, Xa Tollemache took on the redesigning of the Helmingham Hall gardens. Her success launched a new and challenging international career in garden and landscaping design that included a gold and two silver-gilt Chelsea awards.

In the early 20-teens, US film-maker Hopwood DePree, discovered that his grandfather’s stories about a grand ancestral home, Hopwood Hall, were not just bedtime fairytales; they were true - it was in northern England but it was now nearing dereliction.. He set about reversing the damage wrought by 100 years of neglect.

Their experiences were combined into a talk presented at the Chatsworth Literary festival during the summer. Join us to hear it for yourselves.

The event is to raise funds for Bergh Apton Church and Ormiston Families

Tickets including refreshments and parking: £12.50 by phone 01508 558440
or online via the Eventbrite link on our website

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