Sunday 16th March 9.30 am, Morning Prayer

for 1 hour
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

Join us for a friendly service of Morning Prayer, prepared and led by members of our Parish Team
Refreshments will be served afterwards to extend this period of fellowship

Sunday 23rd March 9.30 am, Holy Communion (Order II from Common Worship book)

for 1 hour
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

Join us for a service of Holy Communion, following the traditional Order II format - sometimes referred to as BCP

If you require a gluten-free wafer please thell the minister or one of the churchwardens before the service.

As always, we prolong our welcome with refreshments after the service.

Sunday 30th March, 9.30 am - Mothering Sunday Family Service

for 1 hour
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

We'll be celebrating Mothering Sunday with a special Family Service of Morning Worship and hope you will join us

There will be refreshments afterwards too

Sunday 6th April, 9.30 am - Morning Worship

for 1 hour
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

Another of our relaxed and friendly services prepared and led by a member of our Parish Team.

Do stay for refreshments and chat afterwards

Sunday 13th March 10 am, Palm Sunday Holy Communion in Yelverton Church

for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Yelverton
St Mary's Church, Yelverton, Church Road Yelverton, NR14 7NY

No service in Bergh apton this Sunday: We'll be joining the other Benefice churches At St Mary's Church in Yelverton for a service of Holy Communion.

There will be coffee and chat afterwards

Sunday 13th April at 7 pm; 'I AM MARK' - Performed by actor and story-teller, Stefan Smart

for 2 hours
Bergh Apton: St Peter & St Paul
School Road Bergh Apton Norwich, NR15 1BX, United Kingdom

I AM MARK is the Gospel told, without comment or commentary. It has been performed to critical acclaim around the country and abroad, performing to sell-out audiences at three runs at the Edinburgh Fringe.
In this dynamic new, word-for-word, solo performance, Stefan Smart recreates for a modern audience the way in which the story was originally narrated – as a full bodied drama, with its many characters and nuances brought startlingly to life.

So, sit back, relax, and imagine yourself among Mark’s first audience, as you experience the Good News of Jesus ‘as it was in the beginning’, in all its urgency and power, challenge and comfort.
" Sometimes it takes a living voice, like this one, to make you hear the Bible for the first time"
Archbishop Rowan Williams.

“The ancient world of Christian scripture suddenly becomes alive in front of you. You hear the emotion of the conversations that Jesus had with those he met, and you catch a fresh understanding of his teaching.”
Neil Maddock, Director
MARTIS Productions

Tickets £5: Advance booking if possible please.
Call 01508 480576 (you may be greeted by an answerphone - please leave a message)
or email: [email protected]
More information at