Facilities and features


Available during services, otherwise locked

In grassed field adjacent to churchyard. Gate is generally kept closed but not locked.
Please park with care in muddy conditions - hard standing is available close to the road gate - and please close the gate if yours is the last vehicle to leave.

Available during services. otherwise locked. A ramp is available but needs to be deployed. Toilet cubical is equipped with grab handles and is large enough for wheelchair users but possibly not for for mobility scooters.

Hearing (induction) Loop
Assistance Dogs

We serve refreshments after every service, and there is always a gluten-free option

A ramp is available. Stored just inside the front door, it needs to be deployed before it can be used.

Light levels in that area are low, and installation of a permanent ramp would present a tripping hazard.

Our Building

Yes. Dawn to dusk

Church of St Peter & St Paul - Grade II* listed. List entry number 1373078
War memorial in churchyard - Grade II listed. List entry number 1393061

Music and Worship


Installed in 1900 AD by Norman & Beard whose factory was on St Stephens in Norwich.

Normally on fourth Sunday of the month

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Selection of leaflets detailing local walks
Small guide to history of the St Peter & St Paul

Church Open

Other Features

Donations can be left in a box at the back of the church. The box is emptied regularly

Parts of the churchyard are managed as conservation areas