Christian Meditation & Contemplation

Every Tuesday at for 40 mins
Wymondham Abbey
Church Street Wymondham Norwich, NR18 0PH, United Kingdom

Previously Centering Prayer
weekly session - 40 minutes of guided meditation

Wymondham Abbey

Wymondham Abbey is the town’s Anglican Parish Church, dedicated to St Mary and St Thomas of Canterbury. It has been at the heart of Christian worship for over 900 years. Reminding us of Wymondham’s long and illustrious history, the Parish Church continues to be a place of pilgrimage as well as a place of prayer and worship within our community.

The church hosts many events and activities, including concerts, education and learning sessions, meetings and exhibitions. We welcome around 20,000 visitors every year; we hope they leave enriched by the experience.
Our purpose:

To nurture and value the people of Wymondham and beyondTo worship GodTo share the gospel of Jesus ChristTo welcome all who come through our doorsTo celebrate and pass on our rich heritage

We aim to help you find out a little bit more about us and encourage you to visit. That may be for a casual look around, to study our history and treasures or to join us for worship and fellowship. Whatever you come for, the welcome will be warm and, we hope, the experience uplifting.

Get in touch

Abbey Office

Church Street

NR18 0PH
Parish Office
(01953) 605671
Revd Canon Christopher Davies

Our website

What's on

Christian Meditation & Contemplation

Every Tuesday at for 40 mins
Wymondham Abbey
Church Street Wymondham Norwich, NR18 0PH, United Kingdom

Previously Centering Prayer
weekly session - 40 minutes of guided meditation

Wymondham Abbey Charity No. 1130495