Harvest Thanksgiving and Harvest Lunch

for 3 hours
All Saints Church, Hethel
Church Lane Hethel Norwich, NR14 8HE, United Kingdom

A traditional Harvest Thanksgiving service (11am) followed by a simple but adequate harvest lunch at 12.30, for which you're invited (but not compelled) to pay what you're normally pay for Sunday lunch out. Proceeds then go to Christian Aid for their harvest campaign to help the hungry be better able to feed themselves. Come to service or lunch or both! All welcome. Click the MORE INFO button below for the TicketSource page to book for lunch. Please bring Foodbank contributions to church between 30 September and 8 October. The attached file lists most needed items.

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All Saints Church, Hethel

Hethel Church is off the beaten track, making it a quiet place of refreshment and beauty where God may be encountered. The church is open daily for peace, space and prayer. There are benches in the churchyard from where you can enjoy the wildlife churchyard, cut in August and growing back ready to burst with a succession of wildflowers from January onwards. In summer, the meditative trail is visible through the grass and posters for prayer and reflection are often installed when the grass and flowers have grown a bit.

Get in touch

Rev Adrian Miller

The Rectory
The Common

NR14 8JS
01508 571167

Our website

What's on

Harvest Thanksgiving and Harvest Lunch

for 3 hours
All Saints Church, Hethel
Church Lane Hethel Norwich, NR14 8HE, United Kingdom

A traditional Harvest Thanksgiving service (11am) followed by a simple but adequate harvest lunch at 12.30, for which you're invited (but not compelled) to pay what you're normally pay for Sunday lunch out. Proceeds then go to Christian Aid for their harvest campaign to help the hungry be better able to feed themselves. Come to service or lunch or both! All welcome. Click the MORE INFO button below for the TicketSource page to book for lunch. Please bring Foodbank contributions to church between 30 September and 8 October. The attached file lists most needed items.

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