Parish Holy Communion

for 1 hour
Strumpshaw: St Peter
Norwich Road Strumpshaw Norwich, NR13 4NT, United Kingdom

Led by Revd. Jane Morris. This will be Revd. Jane Morris's first Holy Communion in the benefice following her licensing by the Bishop of Norwich on 11th November. The service will be followed by coffee.

Strumpshaw: St Peter

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Hilary Hammond

(01603) 714497
Revd. Jane Morris, Incumbent
01603 932672
What's on

Parish Holy Communion

for 1 hour
Strumpshaw: St Peter
Norwich Road Strumpshaw Norwich, NR13 4NT, United Kingdom

Led by Revd. Jane Morris. This will be Revd. Jane Morris's first Holy Communion in the benefice following her licensing by the Bishop of Norwich on 11th November. The service will be followed by coffee.