Related Churches
Ludham: St Catherine
St Catherine's Church is part of the Waterside Benefice situated in the heart of the beautiful Norfolk Broads.
Committed to providing a welcome to all members of the community and our many visitors.
It's newly installed kitchen enables it to provide a tea, coffee and cake shop open every Friday from 10 till 12 noon.
It is open for individual prayer and reflection from 10 till 5 during summer months, and 10 till 4 during winter months.
St Catherine's is open for regular Sunday Morning Worship every Sunday at 10am.
Holy Communion takes place on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 10am.
Please check the Waterside Group website opening page for details and updates to all church services taking place at St Catherine's and in the Waterside Benefice.
For weddings, baptisms and funerals contact the Revd Gary Noyes on 01692 678842 or email [email protected]
This Parish is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer is : Helen Middleton tel: 01692 678072. Visit our Safeguarding information page for more details.
Catfield: All Saints
All Saints' is part of the Waterside Benefice situated in the heart of the beautiful Norfolk Broads.
Committed to providing a welcome to all members of the community and our many visitors.
All Saints' Church is open every Wednesday and Sunday from 10am to 4pm for individual prayer and reflection.
Joint Sunday Morning Worship takes place at 10am every Sunday with St Nicholas' Church Potter Heigham, and alternates between All Saints' Catfield and St Nicholas'.
Holy Communion takes place on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 10am.
Please check the Waterside Group website opening page for details and updates to all church services taking place at All Saint's and in the Waterside Benefice.
For weddings, baptisms and funerals contact the Revd Gary Noyes on 01692 678842 or email [email protected]
This Parish is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer is : Judith Gardiner tel: 01692 580391. Visit our Safeguarding information page for more details.
Potter Heigham: St Nicholas
St Nicholas' church is part of the Waterside Benefice situated in the heart of the beautiful Norfolk Broads.
Committed to providing a welcome to all members of the community and our many visitors.
St Nicholas' Church is open on Wednesdays and Sundays from 10am until 4pm for individual prayer and reflection.
Joint Sunday Morning Worship takes place at 10am every Sunday with All Saints', Catfield, and alternates between All Saints' Catfield and St Nicholas'.
Holy Communion takes place on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 10am.
Please check the Waterside Group website opening page for details and updates to all church services taking place at St Nicholas' and in the Waterside Benefice.
For weddings, baptisms and funerals contact the Revd Gary Noyes on 01692 678842 or email [email protected]
This Parish is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer is : Judith Gardiner tel: 01692 580391. Visit our Safeguarding information page for more details.
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