Related Churches
Felmingham: St Andrew
St Andrew's is an active hub in the village with Saturday coffee mornings - see board outside church. There is a bell ringing team made up of locals. The churchyard is well looked after and The Friends of St. Andrew's ensure all maintenance jobs are done.
Swanton Abbot: St Michael
The parish forms part of the United Benefice of King's Beck and services take place by rota around the churches of the Benefice.
Banningham: St Botolph
Suffield: St Margaret
Suffield Church is in the care of Norwich Diocesan Churches Trust. It is available for funerals and weddings of those resident in the parish. The churchyard remains open for burials.
Skeyton: All Saints
Sloley: St Bartholomew
From 1st September 2018, the parish became part of the United Benefice of KIng's Beck. There is usually one Sunday Service in the Benefice.
Colby: St Giles
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