Noah's Ark: Babies and Toddlers with carers

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
Sheringham: St Peter
Church Street Sheringham, NR26 8QS, United Kingdom

A fun time in the church for everyone with babies or toddlers.

Holocaust Memorial Display

Every day at for 5 hours, 30 mins
Sheringham: St Peter
Church Street Sheringham, NR26 8QS, United Kingdom

A display of information about the Holocaust in advance of Holocaust Memorial Day on the 27th January.
St Peter's Church is open daily, and the display can be seen throughout the day.

Choir Practice

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Sheringham: St Peter
Church Street Sheringham, NR26 8QS, United Kingdom

Our choir practices on Wednesday evenings in the church hall. Trebles begin at 6.30pm and are joined by the adults at 7.00pm. Please contact us if you would like to join our church choir.

Holy Communion (Traditional)

Every Thursday at for 45 mins
Sheringham: St Peter
Church Street Sheringham, NR26 8QS, United Kingdom

A quiet service in traditional language, held in the church hall (attached to the church) every Thursday during colder months and in the main building during warmer months.

Sunday Services: You are Welcome, Whoever you Are

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Sheringham: St Peter
Church Street Sheringham, NR26 8QS, United Kingdom

Our services include hymns, prayers and the sacrament of Holy Communion at a nave altar so that there are no steps to negotiate if you would like to receive it. Seated communion will be provided on request. You may come forward for a blessing if you prefer, or if you have not yet been baptised.

On the first Sunday of the month the service is more family friendly and less formal, for our younger friends.

Refreshments are served after the service if you would like to stay for a chat.

If you are unable to attend our service, a written Act of Worship and Message from the Minister is published every Sunday here on the website notices and on our Facebook Page for you to engage with wherever you are, whoever you are. They are also sent out by email on Sundays with our weekly newsletter. Do message us if you would like to receive them.

Monday Cuppa

Every Monday at for 2 hours
Sheringham: St Peter
Church Street Sheringham, NR26 8QS, United Kingdom

Every Monday morning, between 10am and 12 noon, the church hall is open if you would like to drop in for a cup of tea or coffee, maybe a biscuit, and a chat, our treat. You are welcome, whoever you are.

Holocaust Memorial Day Service

for 1 hour
Sheringham: St Peter
Church Street Sheringham, NR26 8QS, United Kingdom

A reflective service to mark Holocaust Memorial Day on the 27th January.
All are welcome.

Family Service

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Sheringham: St Peter
Church Street Sheringham, NR26 8QS, United Kingdom

A service for the whole family, during which our young friends are involved.

There will be an address. Hymns and Holy Communion are included, which you may join in with if you wish. A blessing is offered for those who do not take communion.