Prayer in St Peter’s Church

Prayer in St Peter’s Church:

Did you know that we offer these prayer avenues - open to you, our congregations and visitors?

The weekly prayer list
There is a weekly prayer list at the back of the church on which everyone can write the first name of anyone you would like to bring before God in prayer, or any event or issue which is on your heart and mind. This is brought forward to the altar on Sunday morning for our service of Holy Communion. Each name is prayed for individually by members of the ministry team who attend Monday Morning prayer at 9:45am before Monday Cuppa. It remains on the altar all week.

The votive stand and request board
The votive candle stand offers the opportunity to light a candle and pray for any individual or cause as the smoke rises to reach up to God. There is a board nearby on which any prayer request may be attached. These will be included in prayer at our Eucharist on Thursday morning each week.

Prayer Cards
There are prayer cards at the end of each row of seats to help you to pray within the church, with hard copies available at the back of the church should you wish to take one for use at home.

Interactive Prayer Stations
We offer seasonal Interactive Prayer Stations, in both the church and in the side chapel. As at July 2024 there are two prayer stations for world peace and an ‘Empty Chair’ for those grieving loss.

Sheringham Daily Prayers
We encourage you to pray for our town daily. Every street is covered, with businesses, charities and activities included over the course of each month. There are hard copies available at the back of the church. The ‘Sheringham Daily Prayers’ Facebook page posts the daily prayer, and is shared to both this page and the Sheringham Churches page.

St Peter’s Church Prayer
We encourage you to join in with our church prayer, which is available on our newsletters and within the church.

Worship Services
We join in prayer during our weekly services of Holy Communion on Thursdays at 11am and Sundays at 10am.

Watch this space for news of a regular Julian prayer group to begin soon.

You are welcome in St Peter’s church, whoever you are.