Lent Course Looking Forward - Action Points

Our Lent Course this year saw us looking forward to feeling healthier in body, mind and spirit.

Each week we thought about an aspect of life which affects us emotionally.

We read a Psalm, slowly, and shared what stood out for us.

One of our ministers gave us a short talk, which led to a time of discussion.

We thought about Action Points to take away with us.

Here are our Action points, week by week:

Session 1 - Thinking about positive and negative thinking, another way of seeing things (Psalm 89):

Count your blessings

Be honest with God

And Remember - Why was David classified as a great king? Because he took the blame when right to do so and accepted God’s authority.

Session 2 - Thinking about treachery, betrayal, being hurt by others (Psalm 55):

Pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding

Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves

And Remember - ‘Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.’

Session 3 - Thinking about being at our lowest ebb, holding on to hope (Psalm 22):

Pour it all out to God - be honest!

Belief in God helps us to believe in ourselves

Live with an attitude of gratitude

God has the last word

And Remember something God has done in the past for others we know, and something we know God has done for us, as these give us positive thoughts to hold onto in difficult times.

Session 4 - Thinking about the freedom of forgiveness (Psalm 32):

Let go of past hurts and let God heal

We need to be as kind to ourselves as God is

I will not remember is not the same as I will forget

Accept the past honestly, turn to Christ and pray for healing

JOY - Jesus first, Others next, Yourself last

And Remember - To refuse to forgive ourselves is to deny the cross

Session 5 - Thinking about calling out to God, seeking help (Psalm 142):

Be Honest to ourselves and to God

Move from feelings to faith

God is first, not us

And Remember - Memories of the past help us to make better decisions in the future

Session 6 - Thinking about hope and trust, resurrection and new life (Psalm 42 ):

We try to take control, in vain

We need to go through the cataracts in trust

Take every thought captive