Message from the Minister: The Fourth Sunday of Advent 24th December 2023


In the Old Testament, Jerusalem and its Temple were fought over, endlessly; the Temple building was completed and destroyed three times, and the Wailing Wall, which is often shown on the television, is all that remains of the third iteration built by King Herod in the decades before the birth of Jesus.

Building the Temple was always controversial; the discussion was always about where God was to be found. Some people found the need for a geographic place on which to focus their faith. Others did not need such a building in order to live the life of faith. This discussion was often the subject of comment in the New Testament.

The story of Mary the mother of Jesus, the same unresolved controversy of where God can be found is clearly in the background.

In Luke’s Gospel, as the Angel Gabriel presents the surprising News of a pregnancy, God is to be found firmly in a Womb. In faith, Mary will find God within herself.

Tomorrow, in faith, we will celebrate the birth of God with us;

God in human form;

God in our neighbour;

God in Love.

God in the love I share with the people around me.

God on the cross of life.

God in resurrection to be found in a new way of living life.

In the age old discussion of where God is to be found, our Christian Faith tells us that irrespective of a Church building, God is to be found with us and within us.

This is the good news of Jesus; God is with us. As St Paul wrote in conclusion of his letter to the Romans: to Jesus Christ “be the glory for ever”.

Let’s say Amen!!! to that.

And a Blessed Christmas to us all as we continue our search to find God in our lives. He is nearer to us than when we first believed.

The Revd Malcolm France