Message from the Minister: Palm Sunday 2nd April 2023

Lent Easter

This week we see the culmination of our Lenten reflections, and we walk alongside Jesus to Jerusalem and the cross.

We begin by waving our palms in recognition and joy at the figure riding on a donkey.

And then, as the tumult fades, we see the powerful message of humility in his readiness to face what he must - in his washing of the disciples’ feet; in sharing the last supper with those who would betray and deny him; in his refusal to speak against his accusers; and in his last words.

In our Palm Sunday service within the church, there is no sermon. A dramatised reading of the Passion is read instead.

We might read and ponder upon one or all of the Biblical accounts of the events leading to the crucifixion.

We might come to the church to reflect upon the ‘Stations of the Cross’ on Wednesday, to a Last Supper service on Thursday, to follow the cross from the church to the top of Beeston Hill on Friday morning, or to attend ‘The Last Hour’ reflection on Friday afternoon.

We might light a candle.

We might sit at home in silent contemplative prayer, or play music or a film of the Passion.

Whatever we do, we will surely become aware of the spiritual depth that this Holy Week leads us into.

We might look at the window in the side chapel which portrays the scene of a troubled Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane, as the disciples slept.

Will we stay awake during his last hours, watch and pray, as he asks of us?


Julie Rubidge, Lay Minister