Holy week in St Peter’s Church

Lent Easter

Palm Sunday Service - please come early

Our Palm Sunday service on Sunday 2nd April will be very special, including a procession with palms for those who wish to join in, and the dramatic Matthew Passion reading in place of a sermon. The Venerable Catherine Dobson, the Archdeacon of Lynn, will join us and preside at the Eucharist. Please arrive early, to be briefed before the service begins. We look forward to seeing you as we begin our Easter week journey together.

Easter Week in St Peter’s:

Wednesday 5th April at 2pm: Stations of the Cross in the church;

Thursday 6th April at 11am: A quiet service of Holy Communion in traditional language;

Thursday 6th April at 7:30pm: The Last Supper - a special service of Holy Communion marking the Last Supper, to include footwashing (for up to 12 people), stripping of the altars, and a vigil until 10pm for those who wish to stay until then;

Good Friday, 7th April from 10am: The church will be open for those who wish to call in for silent prayer;

Good Friday, 7th April at 11:10am: All gather outside the church to begin the Walk of Witness at 11:15am. We will stop at the town clock for a short service, then follow the cross to the top of Beeston Hill where we will join in prayer. The cross will remain in place over the Easter weekend;

Good Friday, 7th April at 2pm: ‘The Last Hour’, a time of reflection in the church;

Saturday 8th April from 10am until 2pm: Easter Festival in the church;

Saturday 8th April at 10:30am: Building the Easter Garden around the font - for all the family;

Saturday 8th April at 8pm: Vigil and Service of Light, the first Easter service of Holy Communion during which the Paschal candle is brought into the church as we mark the resurrection of Jesus, the Light of the World;

Sunday 9th April, Easter Day: A wonderful celebration service to include Holy Communion, the fantastic ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ with an open invitation to join the choir, and an Easter Egg hunt for our young friends at 11:45am;

Monday 10th April from 10am: Easter Monday Cuppa.

You are welcome to join us for our Easter week services, whoever you are.