Tea-Time Teasers

Monthly. Every First Friday at for 2 hours
Mission Room, Horsham St Faith

A fun-filled afternoon of puzzles and teasers to keep your brain active.
Work together as a group to solve those niggling conundrums.
Refreshments to finish. Only £3 perperson

Tea-Time Teasers

Monthly. Every First Friday at for 2 hours
Mission Room, Horsham St Faith
Mission Room, Horsham St Faith, Church Road Horsham St Faith, NR10 3JJ

A fun afternoon with tea, cake, chat and laughs, as well as questions, word puzzles, etc, with friends and neighbours.
Only £3 with refreshments and puzzle book included.

Please note that we don't meet on Good Friday (April 7th), but do come along the week before (March 31st) instead.

Sunday Services

Every First, Third Sunday at for 45 mins
Horsham St Faith
Horsham St Faith, Church Road, Horsham St Faith, NR10 3JJ, United Kingdom

Our Sunday Services alternate between Horsham St Faith and Spixworth at 10am.
On Fourth Sunday of the month there will be BCP Communion at St Faiths (3pm GMT or 6pm BST)

See notice board/parish magazine for details