St Margaret’s Church News- Plough Sunday- Building Work- Cleaning and decorating the Church Felthorpe Village News
- St Margaret’s Church News - Felthorpe Pavilion News- Future Events
Great to welcome Hannah Gray, from A Rocha UK, to <a href="[0]=AZUXBessR5QHSlYPXGLFquICwov0zKdt0AczH3PMn7z0XzmD1DWStMrBb3E30dsmPeVcmiLAP5xUHHWRL9ujGeJ8f3i9QaMHm9MBmT15gVvp-kVQrJ29kZy5xs_0vQ9Oh4uLk8fXm53duzr2uses1vPsvb03wRKDnDkqMC6O-OX3gvacauPsiIm3zNETPtooEAS70CbxzJzCnttsMA5xcODv&__tn__=-UK-R">Horsford All Saints Church</a> this morning to bring encourgament to our Eco Church journey in Horsford and Felthorpe Parish Churches and to challenge us to consider what more we can do individually to care for creation and the natural envrionment. Thank you A Rocha for everything you do to protect and restore the natural world and in helping Christians and churches in the UK to care for our environment. <a href="[0]=AZUXBessR5QHSlYPXGLFquICwov0zKdt0AczH3PMn7z0XzmD1DWStMrBb3E30dsmPeVcmiLAP5xUHHWRL9ujGeJ8f3i9QaMHm9MBmT15gVvp-kVQrJ29kZy5xs_0vQ9Oh4uLk8fXm53duzr2uses1vPsvb03wRKDnDkqMC6O-OX3gvacauPsiIm3zNETPtooEAS70CbxzJzCnttsMA5xcODv&__tn__=*NK-R">#ARocha</a>
Sunday Services in Horsford, Felthorpe, and HevinghamSeason of Creation ServicesVisiting Mission Partners