South Burlingham: St Edmund

Welcome to our Website. We are small rural Church and attempt to keep this site up to date. But please do feel you can check any details or ask any questions. Select the Get in touch tab and contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Please give via Diocese of Norwich page to S Burlingham Church

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Church Wardens

What's on


Every Thursday at for 40 mins
South Burlingham: St Edmund

Butterflies meet in the Methodist Church Hall in Chapel Road, Lingwood every Thursday Morning during term time from 10.30 -11.45am.
Children aged 0-4 years are welcome with an adult. We sing songs, listen to a story & do craft activities- then there’s time to play while adults have tea or coffee and a chat.
The cost is £1 per family per session. Your first session is free. For more information select the Get in Touch Page on the left.

Bishop Ian, the Bishop of Thetford, installed the Revd. Jane Morris as Rector of the Lingwood benefice at a service in St. Peter's Strumpshaw on 6th March 2025.
