for 45 mins
Venue Address
Sutcliffe Avenue Earley Reading, RG6 7JN, United Kingdom
Join us for a late-night service on Christmas Eve and be among the first to celebrate Christmas! The service has carols and a short talk, as well as the celebration of Holy Communion (the blessing and sharing of bread and wine).

Earley St Nicolas

open to God...open to one another...open to community

Get in touch

Vicki Procko

Parish Office
St Nicolas Church
Sutcliffe Avenue

Rg6 7JN
Parish Office
(0118) 966 9080

Our website

What's on

Midnight Mass

for 45 mins
Earley St Nicolas
Sutcliffe Avenue Earley Reading, RG6 7JN, United Kingdom

Join us for a late-night service on Christmas Eve and be among the first to celebrate Christmas! The service has carols and a short talk, as well as the celebration of Holy Communion (the blessing and sharing of bread and wine).

Earley St Nicolas Charity No. 1138037