9:30am Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
Christ Church Abingdon
Northcourt Road Abingdon, OX14 1PL, United Kingdom

At our 9:30 intergenerational service you will find contemporary teaching with lively, band-led worship. We have regular interviews about real-life faith as well as updates on different ministry areas here at Christ Church. You can join in person or online as we livestream this service on our YouTube Channel. On the 2nd Sunday of the month, we gather around the Lord’s table to share communion.

Children and youth ministries run alongside this service, offering groups for under 5s, 5-11s and 11-14s. For further details visit our Kids & Youth pages. After the service, refreshments are available in the Church Hall. We enjoy this time of fellowship and it’s a great opportunity to chat with others and meet new people.

10am Long Furlong Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Long Furlong Primary School
Long Furlong Primary School, Long Furlong Primary School Boulter Drive Abingdon Oxfordshire, OX14 1XP, United Kingdom

We gather at 10am every Sunday at Long Furlong Primary School & on Zoom for a time of worship, prayer & teaching, followed by refreshments. Once a month all ages stay together for an 'All In' service to explore the Bible in creative and accessible ways. Throughout the year, we also get together after the service for lunch and spend time as family in the local park and surrounding green spaces.

We offer weekly Sunday groups for our under 11s as well as provision for over 11s and teenagers. Everyone starts the service together, before heading out to their activities. Primary-aged children meet for ‘GodzKidz' and our 11-14s meet for ‘Lazers'. Our older youth currently stay in the service with tailored notes and questions to complete, or are encouraged to serve as part of the various Sunday ministries.

11:20am Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
Christ Church Abingdon
Northcourt Road Abingdon, OX14 1PL, United Kingdom

At our 11:20 service, you will find sung worship led by a wider range of instruments drawing on a mix of hymns and well-known worship songs. We seek to worship in creative ways whilst also including familiar liturgy, spending time in prayer and listening to teaching on God’s word. We come together to share communion twice a month, following either the Common worship Liturgy (2nd Sunday of the month) or Book of Common Prayer (4th Sunday of the month).

Before this service, we offer the opportunity to join with those who have attended the 9:30am service to share in some time of fellowship and refreshments from 11am in the Church Hall.

6:30pm Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Christ Church Abingdon
Northcourt Road Abingdon, OX14 1PL, United Kingdom

A relaxed and informal service which always includes an extended time of contemporary band-led worship. We listen to engaging talks from God's word. We pray, and also offer personal prayer after the service.

We love that the congregation is wide-ranging, drawn from our Youth and 18-30s groups, through to our most senior church members. One of our key goals is to build community together - at many services someone will share how God has met them in their lives. On the 3rd Sunday of the month we share communion together. Afterwards, we catch up with friends over refreshments, and spend time meeting new people.

2pm Good Friday - Hour at the Cross

for 1 hour
Christ Church Abingdon
Northcourt Road Abingdon, OX14 1PL, United Kingdom

A quiet, contemplative service of Bible readings, reflections, prayer and songs, with space to reflect, as we explore the love of God poured out in the events of that first Good Friday. All warmly welcome.

8am Easter Sunday BCP Communion

for 1 hour
Christ Church Abingdon
Northcourt Road Abingdon, OX14 1PL, United Kingdom

Begin Easter Sunday with a focus on the cross by joining us for a more traditional communion service on Easter morning.

10am Long Furlong All-Age Easter Service

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Long Furlong Primary School
Long Furlong Primary School, Long Furlong Primary School Boulter Drive Abingdon Oxfordshire, OX14 1XP, United Kingdom

Join us at Long Furlong Primary School for an All-Age Easter Sunday service with Holy Communion.

10:30am Easter Sunday Intergenerational Worship

for 45 mins
Christ Church Abingdon
Northcourt Road Abingdon, OX14 1PL, United Kingdom

Join us at Christ Church, Northcourt Road for an intergenerational Holy Communion service this Easter Sunday.

6:30pm Easter Sunday Service with Baptisms

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church Abingdon
Northcourt Road Abingdon, OX14 1PL, United Kingdom

We'd love to welcome you to our 6:30pm Easter Sunday Service where we will gather together for time of extended worship, Bible teaching and prayer as well as the opportunity to celebrate the baptisms of some of our adults and young people.