Deanery Summer Newsletter

North Holderness Deanery News Summer 2024

Welcome to the summer edition of the North Holderness Deanery News. Summer is a time when many of our parishes hold all sorts of events from Flower Festivals to garden parties and this is a good time to sample the hospitality around the deanery. What follows is not an inclusive list of events and news from but should give you a taster of our rich and diverse church and community life.

This month we welcome Rosie Evans to the deanery and there are details below about her and her ordination and welcome service and also a message from her as she settles into Hornsea.

As we look forward to Rosie’s ordination it is interesting to note that it is thirty years since the first ordination of women as priests in the Church of England . Several members of the deanery attended the service of celebration at York Minister. Where would our deanery be without women priests?


The Area Dean writes:

As we move into summer (I use that term loosely) can I start by thanking all those who have served on the Deanery Synod this last year, engaging with work we have been tasked. A lot of work has happened and members of the DLT are working through the items set out.

One of the discussions that took place was how do we want Synod to look like. We had a very positive meeting where a number of ideas were presented. So the first meeting taking place will be an open meeting where Dr Mike Tyler Safeguarding Administrator of York Diocese will be coming to us to talk about the role of Safeguarding in our PCC and Synod and its importance. This will as I say be an open meeting where members of our PCCs and Deanery Synod Representatives can meet and listen and discuss this issue with him. The meeting will take place on the 9th September 7pm venue to be confirmed, hopefully Hornsea.

I would like to also thank Christine Longstaff on her role as Secretary. We have agreed that we are on the lookout for e new Secretary so if anyone would discuss this with me please do contact me 01964563987 or [email protected]. This will free Christine to focus on her role as Synod representative and DLT member.

We have to say a massive thankyou to Rev Susan Walker who will be stepping down as Deanery Priest. It is difficult to measure her work but she has supported so many us during periods of holiday, illness as well as helping out in our schools and churches on other activities and supporting so many families. So a massive thankyou and we wish you well on your move and so called retirement. Rev Susan will continue to be available to help out in our churches as she like many other retired priests carries on with her ministry in a different role.

Some other deanery dates to be aware of:

11th August 3pm Nunkeeling Open Air Service-please bring your own seats.

26th September Deanery Confirmation Service 7pm at St Augustine Skirlaugh. If you know of anyone who may wish to explore confirmation please do contact your local vicar.

Skirlaugh Benefice dates include:

28-30th June Skirlaugh Flower Festival - Preview on Friday 28th at 7.30pm Tickets £15 including buffet

29th June at 8pm _An evening with Tom Speight Tickets £8 (avail from Cliff Stott. 01964 563137)

Church open for viewing on the Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday 10th August Swine church open Day

Saturday 10th New Ellerby Open Afternoon.

So may I wish you a Blessed Summer. Rev. David Messer

News from Hornsea Benefice

Ordination & Welcome of The Revd Rosie Evans

Rosie will be ordained on Saturday 29th June at 2:30pm at York Minster. This will be followed on Sunday 30th June at 3pm by a welcome service of Holy Communion at St Nicholas. All welcome, please bring something to share afterwards in the Parish Hall where we will continue to celebrate over refreshments. Clergy and LLMs welcome to robe.

Rosie writes:

I am really excited about being curate in the Hornsea Benefice and within the wider deanery, and look forward to seeing what opportunities the curacy will bring. I have moved to Hornsea with my civil partner Hattie and our cat Maisie, and I’m particularly enjoying being by the Mere and by the sea. Before coming here, I was training for ordained ministry at Cranmer Hall in Durham. I have loved my time at Cranmer. Some of the best experiences there include being on placement as a chaplaincy volunteer at St Cuthbert’s Hospice, being able to learn Sign Language as part of one of Durham University’s societies, and getting to know different people from the different communities I was part of. How exactly I came to the point of training for ordained ministry is still sometimes a mystery to me, but I do know that my local church’s music group that I joined when I was 13 had a huge influence on my life, as the love and welcome that my mum and I received from the people in the group felt special, and different, and Christ-like. I have felt Christ’s love with me throughout my journey, and look forward to sharing it with others. I’m thankful for the opportunity of being part of the deanery and am excited to meet everyone soon.

Hornsea Benefice Dates for your diary

Sat.22 June 10am-12pm Hornsea Methodist Church are doing Bacon Butties for (a much delayed) Christian Aid Week!

19-21st July is Carnival weekend in Hornsea, and St Nicholas will be open for visitors. The King’s Bus, a youth ministry bus will be present in the town over the weekend.

St Nicholas will also be open 1-4pm on Tuesday afternoons in August.

Evensong will be offered on the second Sunday of the month at 6pm, 14th July, 11th August, 8th September. Singers welcome to join in, please contact Leonie on [email protected]

Garden Church meets in the Pollinate Eco-Garden behind the parish hall from 1-3pm on the last Saturday of the month: 27th July, 24th August, 21st September.

14th September - the St Nicholas Horticultural Show. Classes for vegetables, flowers, cakes and crafts for all ages. For more details contact Christina on 07852 009 983.

Community Events in the Pollinate Eco-Garden Saturday 10th Aug and Sunday 8th September Details tbc. Also look out for workshops later in the year.

All Saints Skipsea

Saturday 10th August and Saturday 17th August 10.30-3.30 Mouse Festival find the special mice. Entrance free. But donations for the continuing upkeep of the church very welcome. Refreshments available, drink with cake £3.

Sunday 29th September 3pm our annual pet blessing service. All pets large and small very welcome and they can bring along their owners.

St Lawrence Atwick

Saturday 27th July The Annual Atwick ‘Do on the Green’, at which the church has a bric-a-brac stall. There is a wide variety of stalls and refreshments with a brass band all afternoon, and live music on the evening.

Thursday August 8th St. Lawrence Day coffee morning on in church, 10-11.30....everyone welcome!

News from the Aldbrough Benefice

Sat.27 August 2- 4pm Aldbrough Village Show at the Village Hall

Thurs. 1st August Yorkshire Day: 11am-2pm Fair at Withernwick Church. All proceeds to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Sunday 11 August 3pm Nunkeeling Deanery Songs of Praise. Folk from Mappleton that morning will be coming via a pub lunch in The Falcon at Withernwick!

Sat.17 August 10am onwards Aldbrough Gift Day is a week early! [St. Bartholomew is marked on 24th August]

Mon.26 August 1-3pm Great Hatfield Village Fair on the Village green

Finally, a note from Revd. Andrew Pearson:

We have had just two weddings in 2024, nine funerals (since my arrival in July 2023) but only one Christening so if anyone is aware of newly-borns in the area whose parents would like to “have them done” please contact me on 07715 563729 or [email protected]

News from the Benefice of Beeford with Frodingham & Foston

A well-attended service to commemorate D-Day was held in Beeford Church on the evening of June 6th, with over 60 present from the local communities. We collaborated with the parish council, who obtained a grant towards refreshments and printed service sheets. We had hoped that the evening would be warm enough to spread out into the church grounds for supper after the service but although dry it was a bit chilly. About 100 people then joined at the beacon for the ceremonial lighting at 9.15pm.

Our Fellowship/Study Group continues to flourish – we now have 12 members meeting fortnightly. We will finish Nick Fawcett’s book: Discipleship – The Journey of Faith in June and will then be deciding together on our next study. This is a friendly supportive group with people at different stages on our journeys of faith.

This year we have introduced ‘Open the Book’ into our 2 schools. Revd Shirley & Revd Susan lead this with costumes for the children. The children are enjoying a different style of Collective Worship and engaging with it well; there is competition in the classrooms to be part of the ‘cast’.

As a benefice we are holding an ‘Away Day’ at Wydale Hall in July to take stock of where we are and the good things that are happening, and also to look forward to the future as we consider our liturgy and discuss growing closer together. The churches are contributing towards the individual costs.

Coming Up:

June 30th 10.00am benefice service at North Frodingham – swearing-in of Church Wardens

July 14th 2.00pm to 5.00pm – Open Gardens at North Frodingham. Tickets and details at the Village Hall on South Townside Rd. Refreshments, cakes and plant sale.

Sept 12th 7.30pm for 8.00pm – General Knowledge Quiz in N Frodingham Village Hall in aid of Church funds

News from the Brandesburton and Leven Benefice

The Brandesburton and Leven benefice are adventurous folk to judge by recent events and current activities.

Wild swimming – Jane Hoey writes

The swimming season is well underway and St Mary’s Wild Swimming group continues to grow in numbers, currently 21 in total, mainly ladies of all ages. Everyone is welcome to come and join in. We are a friendly group and enjoy spending time with each other, swimming, chatting, laughing and generally having fun together. We all feel uplifted after our swims and feel better for it.
We meet at Billabong Watersports & Caravan Park on Mondays & Wednesdays at 6pm

St Mary’s Brandesburton recently held a World Food Trail evening . The event was well attended and guests were able to sample tapas portions of food from around the world , including England, France, Sweden, Scotland, Mexico,Spain, India, Thailand and Morocco. This was followed by a range or puddings, Guests were entertained by the Bar Snacks Quartet and the raffle prizes were also themed around world foods. The event raised £2224

Forthcoming events:

1st August Garden Party at Leven Rectory.

Do please pass on this newsletter by email or by paper.