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Due to popular demand, a second Blues Brothers Tribute Act Fundraiser will be held at Helmsley Town Hall on Friday, 7th February. Tickets are available from Elijah Todd's Newsagents, 3 Bridge Street, Helmsley (YO62 5BG). £20.00, including hot dog!

The meeting that was to be held in All Saints', Helmsley to discuss the successful application for a National Lottery Heritage Fund development grant and other news has been postponed. A new date for this will be advertised in due course.

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Our bells were featured on November 17th and are now available to listen to at any time on .

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Poster v4 SAPT St Aelreds Pilgrim Trail Gathering Walk[4].pdf

The launch of the newly-created Saint Aelred's Pilgrim Trail was a resounding success and concluded with a moving service in the Nave of Rievaulx Abbey, followed by a celebration party in the Abbey Café.

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All Saints' Helmsley has eight bells and a band of local ringers who practise on Mondays (7.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.) and before the 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion service on Sundays (8.45 a.m. - 9.25 a.m.). Would you like to join us?

Our precious, unique, historic hamlet churches are a delight to the senses and havens of peace. Don't miss the opportunity to visit them.

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