Our events this weekend in Middle ESK Moor.

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news

Dear friends,

Just a quick reminder that we have the following coming up this weekend. You are warmly invited to any or all of these events:

Saturday 13th January

1:00 - 4:00 Benefice Community Forum: Middle ESK Moor into 2024

We’ll be in St Matthew’s, Grosmont, with a bring-and-share lunch to start. There’ll be an interactive agenda, and you can click here for the notes from our last Forum meeting, and here for the notes from the first meeting of the Advisory Council.

Sunday 14th January

9:00 - New Weekly Holy Communion Service in Lealholm at St James'

10:45 - Holy Communion in Glaisdale at St Thomas

6:00 - Breathing Space in Egton at St Hilda

If you need any further information on anything to do with our churches please email me: [email protected].

With blessings and all good wishes,



The Reverend Anthony Bennett
Interim Minister – the Benefice of Middle ESK Moor