Our Epiphany weekend events in Middle ESK Moor.

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Dear friends,

There's such a lot coming up this weekend, and it would be lovely to see you at any of our events. Here's a quick reminder of what we have coming up:

Saturday 6th January

6:00 - A Special Epiphany Event - Follow the Star into 2024! at St Matthew's Grosmont

Join us as we think about our hopes and dreams for 2024. This will be an interactive time, with songs to sing and treasure to find! Refreshments provided from 5:30 p.m. with activities for all ages. We'll move our Community Christmas Tree, but we'll keep the Star from Christmas Eve to help guide us into the New Year.

Sunday 7th January

9:00 - New Weekly Holy Communion Service in Lealholm at St James'

An experiment for January and February as we gather together weekly into 2024 to sing, worship and celebrate together in a service of Holy Communion to start the day. You are very welcome to join us.

10:45 - Holy Communion in Goathland with the Plough Stots for Plough Sunday at St Mary's

The plough will be blessed, and the Plough Stots will dance. Afterwards there’ll be refreshments, followed by entertainment, both serious and fun, provided by Plough Stots and others. Do come along and celebrate, and be reminded that nature is in our care.

3:30 - Fellowship Space at The Hollin's Institute in Grosmont

A special time with Chris and Helen. Help finish the mulled wine and Christmas cake with Chris playing songs and hymns on guitar and keyboard. Share your dreams for 2024 and bring along any prayer requests. Everyone welcome.

6:00 - Breathing Space at St Hilda in Egton

A time for evening prayer in silence and stillness as we end the day using the ancient technique of Lectio Divina to meditate and contemplate on our Epiphany Bible readings.

For any further information required please email me - [email protected].

With blessings and all good wishes,



The Reverend Anthony Bennett
Interim Minister – the Benefice of Middle ESK Moor