Church E-News 21 July 2024

Notices Church_news

Sunday 21 July - Eighth Sunday after Trinity

9:30am - Holy Communion - Bishampton Patronal Service
11:00am - Holy Communion - Fladbury

A Quiz at St James’ Church, Bishampton

The Friends of St James’ invite you to take part in a light hearted quiz entirely devoted to music in all its forms, on Saturday 20 July from 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start, finishing around 9:00pm.

The cost of the evening is £5.00 and drinks will be available for a minimum donation and you are very welcome to bring nibbles.

Please bring your own team of up to 8 people or you may be able to join up with others on the evening.

There will be a box available to make an additional donation towards the work of the Friends.

Please e-mail, or phone Bill Dobie ([email protected] or 07925 692090), to let him him know you are coming.

We hope to see you there!

Mike Rickard

Secretary to the Friends of St. James


Friday 19 July at 2:30pm at Bishampton Church – Funeral Service of Mary Barlow

Wednesday 24 July at 3:00pm at The Vale – Funeral service of William Eric Dalrymple, known as “Bill”

New Worshipping Communities

On Tuesday 23 July at 7.30pm at St Andrew’s Centre, Pershore, WR10 1DW Kim Brown, the Diocesan New Worshipping Communities Enabler will lead a presentation and discussion about NWC’s. If you are interested in seeing the Church grow, please come.

New Worshipping Communities are one of the four diocesan priorities. Kim is a priest and will share her experience of forming a NWC in rural Gloucestershire. We’ll be able to share our experiences of what is going well, what needs encouragement, and what we need help with. Kim will be happy to take questions and offer further support.

A definition of what is a New Worshipping Community can be found here,people%20grow%20in%20their%20faith

Appointing a new Bishop of Worcester

This Sunday in the two morning services (9:30 at Bishampton and11:00 at Fladbury) in the place of the talk, there will be a discussion of 20 minutes on the following:

1. Using three words, what qualities do you think make a good bishop?

2. What, in your opinion, should be the bishop’s three key priorities for the first five years?

3. What are the biggest three challenges faced by the church in your setting or context?

4. What are your top three hopes for the Church over the next few years and what are the three biggest opportunities?

You might like to start thinking about the questions ahead of the discussion, and ask family and friends not involved in church, for their views. A consensus opinion will be fed back to the diocese.

We are each invited to complete an online survey letting the appointing group know what we think we need in a new bishop and where we see our diocese at the moment and in the future. The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete and can be found here:

If you do not have access online to complete the survey and are unable to attend the services on the 21 July and would like to contribute to the conversation, please jot down your thoughts and hand them to your local church warden.

Most of all, please pray for this process of discernment using this especially written prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for those you call to faithfully lead and shepherd your church. As we seek to appoint a new bishop of Worcester, help us to be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, give us heavenly wisdom,and bless our diocese that we might enter a new season of growth and fruitfulness as Kingdom People. For your glory and in the name of Christ. Amen.


Café Church – Sunday 28 July at 9:30am

We begin with a simple breakfast of tea, coffee, toast, fruit juice and fresh fruit, followed by informal worship. We meet at Charlton Old School Room, behind the church.

Everyone welcome and please invite family and friends.

Celebration at St Anne’s, Wyre Piddle -

Sunday 28 July at 6.00pm

All are welcome to the celebration of our village saint with a glass of wine or a soft drink and Songs of Praise.

Sunday 28 July - Ninth Sunday after Trinity

9:30am - Café Church - Charlton Old School Room
11:00am - Holy Communion - Fladbury
6:00pm - Celebration Songs of Praise - Wyre Piddle