Church E-News 22 & 29 December 2024

Notices Church_news
Christmas Hope, Joy and Peace to you all

Friday 20 December

6:30pm - Christmas Carols - Lower Moor

Sunday 22 December - 4th Sunday of Advent

11:00am - Holy Communion - Wyre Piddle
6:30pm - Christmas Carols by Candlelight with Choir - Fladbury

Monday 23 December

5:00pm - Christmas Carols - Wyre Piddle
7:00pm - Christmas Carols by Candlelight with Choir - Throckmorton

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve

4:00pm - Crib Service - Cropthorne
5:00pm - Crib Service - Fladbury
11:30pm - Midnight Mass - Cropthorne

Wednesday 25 December – Christmas Day

9:00am - Christmas Morning Worship - Bishampton
10:30am - Christmas Morning Worship - Charlton
10:30am - Christmas Holy Communion - Fladbury

Sunday 29 December - 1st Sunday of Christmas

11:00am - Holy Communion & patronal service - Charlton

Sunday 5 January - Epiphany Sunday

11:00am - Holy Communion - Fladbury

Friends of St James’ Christmas Celebration

The Friends of St James’ invite you to an evening of Christmas carols and seasonal readings, from serious to jocular presented by Barry Griffin. The doors will open at 7:00pm on Friday 20 December for a 7:30pm start. You will be greeted with mulled wine, or non-alcoholic alternative, and a mince pie.

Donations are invited to FOSJ.

The Trustees have paid the £18,167 cost of replacing and upgrading the internal ceiling panels in St. James, completed earlier this year.

Future projects include external re-roofing.

Village Carol Singing

Wednesday 18th at 6:30pm - Fladbury - Carols around the tree on the village green

Monday 23rd at 7:00pm – Charlton – Carols with The Salvation Army at The Gardeners’ Arms

Tuesday 24th at 6:00pm – Bishampton – Carols outside the Ounce

Tuesday 24th at 6:30pm – Wyre Piddle – Carols on the village green

Christmas Quiz

Dear Friends,

I have compiled another quiz to offer you. Please have a go over Christmas, and all I ask that you give a donation for Five Alive Parish general funds. The details for how to give are on the cover page of the quiz. I know your donation will be very much appreciated.

Please feel free to circulate this quiz to your friends and family – indeed it could be that you'll need help to complete it, as I'm aware that this quiz can be a multi-generational effort. Go for it – get inspiration from the internet or random friends, and encourage as many as possible to submit theirs.

Please send back by 31st December by email, a scanned photograph, or post to: 8 Haines Avenue, Wyre Piddle, WR10 2RQ.

The names of those with correct entries will be drawn on Sunday 5th January at the 11am service in Fladbury church. Look out on the parish website and Facebook for announcement of winners and news of amount raised.

The quiz is available in in two formats:

1) A PDF file for you to print out and complete
After that you can photograph it and email/post to me. Or even type out the answers on your return email, whichever is easier for you.

Quiz 2024 to printout.pdf

2) A Word document

Download and save to your computer, complete, then send to: [email protected]

Quiz 2024 to fill in online.docx

(The download option may not be immediately obvious and you may need to click on the 3 dots in the top left for that choice to appear. Ignore any sign-in option.)

You can also download it from the Parish website.

I wish you fun and send my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Good luck everybody,



Friday 3 January at 1:30pm - Funeral of Veronica Most at Bishampton Church