We are a group of five country parishes on the outskirts of Romsey in Hampshire: Awbridge, Farley Chamberlayne, Michelmersh, Timsbury and Braishfield. Each church works independently within their village community but we share resources and ideas and support one another. We hold joint services from time to time, and especially on the fifth Sunday of the month, when there is one! Our monthly benefice magazine Five Alive! has items of common interest and keeps us in touch with what is going on across the parishes. We all draw from Church of England liturgy in a Benefice Service book so there is a similarity in our regular worship, but we each have our own particular way of doing things, some more traditional, some more contemporary. Each church fellowship would be delighted to welcome you to join them for worship, or to drop in to enjoy a moment of quiet reflection and prayer at any time during the day.
For more information please contact our Benefice Administrator Sarah Boothman at [email protected] or call 01794 878020.