Spire and Light United Benefice

The name ‘Spire and Light’ bring together the six Churches in the area that spans the eastern edge of the Lizard peninsular. At the north end stands St Keverne church, one of only a few churches in Cornwall which have a spire. At the most southerly point of the group, and the most southerly point of mainland Britain, is the parish of Landewednack and the Lizard lighthouse. This lighthouse was a welcome beam to those returning to England by sea.

​Spiritually the name combines our calling to stand witness to the gospel and glory of Christ and to be orientated to God, both through worship and through daily living.

We are situated at the most southerly tip of Great Britain, on the Lizard peninsula. We cover three parishes comprising of six church buildings.

To enquire about baptisms and weddings, please contact the Deanery Administrator at [email protected] or 07586 833056 or contact the Rural Dean, Revd Heidi Huntley 01326 334370. 

Get in touch

There is currently no contact info for this benefice.

What's on

Evening Prayer 3pm

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Grade: St Grada & Holy Cross
Ruan Minor Helston, TR12 7LQ, United Kingdom

A service of Evensong taken from The Book of Common Prayer. Services are held from April to November - 6pm (Oct + Nov = 3pm). There is no electricity at this beautiful little church so candles and gas lights are used.

Services held in Oct + Nov begin at 3pm.

Our churches


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. We have adopted the Diocesan safeguarding policy and all our works comply with it.

If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

In St Keverne and St.Peter's, Coverack Parish: Mrs Karen Richards, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator, (01326 280864) or the Rural Dean, Revd Heidi Huntley.

In St Ruan w St Grade Parish: Miss Ann Bradbury, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator, (07894645437) or the Rural Dean, Revd Heidi Huntley.

In the Diocese: Andy Earl, Head of Safeguarding -Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, 01872 274351

Out of Hours for after 5pm and weekends: 01208 251300

In emergency situation:

Local Authority Children’s Social Care: 0300 123 1116

Local Authority Adult’s Social Care: 0300 1234131