Holy Trinity Church Barnes
We are a friendly local church based near Hammersmith Bridge. We meet on Sundays at 10am and start informally with coffee and croissants. Our service is informal with modern worship songs. Children are very welcome with a special service for them after worship in our church hall.
The first Sunday in every month we have Bubble Church for toddlers at 9.15am where there are puppets that help with the service (coffee and croissants for the adults).
Tuesday nights at the church starts with food and fellowship followed by worship and prayer.
Wednesday morning 10am -12pm Open Church. Pop in for a coffee and a chat, sit at the quiet table and do some work or visit Grace Advocacy for help.
St Mary Barnes
St Mary’s is a parish church in the heart of the community. We are a member of Inclusive Church, a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. Our life together is centred around our worship which takes place every Sunday and at other times of the week too. We are an Anglican Church which has witnessed to and served this community for over 800 years. Rooted in the love of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ, we value the Anglican traditions of thoughtful, exploring faith. We are young, old and middling and we hope that everyone will be able to draw closer to God by sharing in our church life.
We are an outward looking church that uses our church and its facilities for the enrichment of our community through a wide variety of cultural events and we serve the community by supporting local charities with time and talents as well as engaging with the wider world by our connections in South Sudan and Zimbabwe.
Please see our website: https://www.stmarybarnes.org for more details or click on the links on our Services page. If you need to contact us in office hours, 10am to 1pm, ring 020 8741 5422. There is an answerphone facility for leaving messages.
The parish of St Mary's Barnes takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found on the Safeguarding page on our website: https://www.stmarybarnes.org/safeguarding/
St Michael & All Angels, Barnes
St Michael’s is part of the Barnes Team Ministry in South-West London. It is a diverse, inclusive and lively church. The Mass, celebrated with beauty and reverence, is at the heart of our worship. We are a child-friendly church with facilities for all ages and special services for children and families.
We are also fortunate to have an historic building that’s well worth a visit. The church is usually open every day from just before 9am until dusk and is a peaceful place to spend a few minutes in quiet rest and prayer.
There is something for everyone here. Whatever your own faith, belief or spirituality, St Michael’s is here for you. If you are new to the area or worshipping with us for the first time, please introduce yourself. We look forward to meeting you.
The parish of St Michael & All Angels, Barnes, is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults.
Please visit our website for details: