To be a pilgrim … 6


Another night in a dormitory meant another earlier start. Today we really did leave in the dark and headed straight into a stretch of path through the misty woods without even the moon to light the way - definitely one of those occasions when the multi-functionality of a mobile phone comes in very handy!

An early stop for breakfast gave us time to wait for the sun to rise, although not for the mist to clear, and we were on our way again. After a relatively quiet day yesterday, having shaken off the crowds by avoiding the standard stopping places at each end of the day, the next set of crowds caught up with us as we started out and has led to a busy path at times. Walking as a pair has been a joy - someone to chat with when so inclined, but also stretches when the silence falls and we can each walk with our own thoughts. It’s noticeable that many of the larger groups walking together can be heard coming from some distance away … and it still seems very odd that some are stopping to pose for photo opportunities quite so frequently. Learning the tolerance to accept that what may be a spiritual pilgrimage for me can also be a backpacking holiday for others has been salutary. My version of this walk is just that - MY version - and others have as much right to do this their way as I have.

And today has felt more like a holiday: the sun has shone, my feet and legs are continuing to hold up well and we’ve walked through very varied terrain - town, country and all the graduations in between. Another relatively short day of 16km or 10 miles has allowed for another early stop. So a welcome shower, change of clothes and a cold drink on a sunny terrace is just what I need! After all, this isn’t about punishing myself by walking further than is sensible or sticking to someone else’s idea of what the itinerary should look like. On His journey to Jerusalem, Jesus too stopped to refresh Himself and others along the way - time to pray (today in the church of S Juan de Furelos on the way into Melide), time to sit and talk with others over a meal or a drink, time to just be …