To be a (trainee) pilgrim … 6


Time has really flown over the last few weeks and I can’t quite believe that, this time next week, I won’t be a trainee pilgrim anymore, but an actual one! So this weekend’s preparation hasn’t involved much walking. Instead, I’ve been gathering some final prayer requests and starting on the part of travelling that I dislike the most … the dreaded packing.

I shouldn’t complain really - I first packed up my backpack (known for confusing and arcane reasons as ‘Nobby’ - it’s a long story!) a couple of months ago. It seemed the easiest way to ensure that I was training with the right weight on my back. A few refinements have happened since then and I suspect it’s now a little heavier than the original 6.5kgs (that’s 14.3lb in old money). But on Friday, I unpacked the lot and repacked it to make sure I really had included everything I’d thought I needed and that I’d done so as efficiently as possible. I’m taking a few extra supplies out for my Camino buddy, so finding some extra space was essential.

Now, of course, I’m worrying about all those last minute things. Are 3 sets of underwear and 4 pairs of socks really enough? Could I squeeze in another warm layer just in case? How many blister plasters is too many?

The Gospel reading for today, most appropriately, is the camel failing to go through the eye of the needle. I always feel hugely awkward manoeuvring around with Nobby on my back. It’s fine when I’m out on the road or on a deserted path, but it’s not so great when I’m in busy areas like airports and on buses, both of which will feature in my journey out to Sarria on Friday and Saturday. I’m sure, by the time I arrive, I will have huge sympathy for that poor camel trying to squeeze through a narrow space festooned with bags and packs and goods of all kinds. Perhaps Nobby can be a symbol for me of all the encumbrances I go through life with and a reminder to shed what I can and travel light on my pilgrimage through life, as well as on The Way.

My next missive is likely to be from Gatwick airport as I get ready for my evening flight. Then I hope to provide an update each day of my journey.

So, until then, Buen Camino!