To be a (trainee) pilgrim … 4


For only the second time since I started training for the Camino, I wasn’t alone this weekend!  Today was the annual Ride & Stride for the Dorset Historic Churches Trust and our lovely Kate Wickson had planned a nice manageable route around the Shaftebury churches.  So it seemed churlish to pass up the opportunity to walk with others for a change!

Nine of us met up at St John’s Enmore Green, signed their form and then headed straight over the hill towards St James’.  After a brief break to look around and enjoy the organist rehearsing for a recital (including a brief interlude when several of us practised our best twinkle toes routines to the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy!), we headed off uphill again for a coffee break and a chance to look around the remains of Shaftesbury Abbey before carrying on to St Peter’s.  Quite by chance, I met up with Keith, who manages their A Church Near You page - having exchanged e-mails once or twice, it was lovely to meet him in person!

A final stretch downhill with a stop at the Community Orchard to eat packed lunches took us back to Enmore Green and a parting of ways … until Sunday morning, when we will doubtless mostly find ourselves together again at church.

Today has been a taste of how delightful it is to walk with others.  Hills seem less daunting and the miles pass more quickly when there are people to share stories with and exchange ideas and thoughts with.  A reminder of perhaps at least one of the reasons why Jesus sent His disciples out in pairs, rather than on their own.  It’s too easy to get discouraged and to dwell on the downsides (blisters, rubbed ankles, sore knees) when we’re alone - a friendly chat, profound or deeply trivial, helps us take the focus off ourselves and makes the hours and minutes fly by.