To be a (trainee) pilgrim … 3


After my big start to training during a week of leave from the ‘day job’, it’s been down to earth with a bump this last week.  Working 9 to 5 doesn’t sit terribly well with training for long walks, but I managed to get out Monday - Wednesday and managed about 5km each day.

And then … oh dear, the weather!  Having got a little damp on Wednesday lunchtime and sat around steaming in the office for the whole afternoon, I took one look at the bucketing rain on Thursday and decided that Noah had the right idea: stay inside and seal yourself in!  After all, I thought, I’ve got an exercise class booked for this evening and that counts as training too … but, sadly, it seems that once I’ve started procrastinating, I just keep on going!  Although, in my defence, I missed the class because I worked overtime to help a client out, so it’s not so bad.

But then Friday was grim as well, so another training day lost.  I’m pleased to report, however, that I managed to get myself out of bed nice and early today (Saturday) and set off before 8am for a 16km / 10 mile hike round and about Gillingham.  After the torrential rain (and before the next forecast weather front comes in), it was a beautiful early autumn morning.  As I watched my feet on the way up Bowridge Hill, a tiny, perfect, cream and black snail crossed my path and Robert Browning’s lines popped into my head:

The year’s at the spring

The day’s at the morn

Morning’s at seven

The hillside’s dew-pearled

The lark’s on the wing

The snail’s on the thorn

God’s in His heaven

All’s right with the world

It was a perfect little moment (even if the season wasn’t quite right!). But I quickly remembered that my perfect moment with all the world feeling just right isn’t the same for everyone: that, however peaceful and serene I might be feeling, there are countless people out there enduring war and hunger and pain and disease.  So I took that as my cue to pray for all those on my growing Camino prayer list - I may not know the names of every person in in the world in want and danger, but I can pray for those I DO know and it WILL make a difference.