To be a (trainee) pilgrim … 2

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After my last post, I was feeling inspired by my successful (and not TOO challenging) 25km hike to and from Stourhead. Knowing that I won't have the luxury of putting my feet up for a day or 2 after such a long walk once I'm on The Way, I gritted my teeth and got myself out for another long walk the following day, Tuesday. It was another gloriously sunny day and I thought I would stay closer to home this time and explore a few of the places in Gillingham itself that I had yet to visit properly.

A blissfully shady wander through Withywood got me off to a deceptively easy start and was followed swiftly by a cheeky stop off at Waitrose for a Hobbit-style second breakfast of toast and coffee ... and the all-important inspection of the 'facilities'! But then it was off in earnest to get some proper miles in again. The breeze on Bowridge Hill was most welcome, as was the shady stretch by the ford. Then I decided to find the route across the fields from Milton to Wyke Road that had been described to me ... I have no idea if that was what I found, but wending my way along lanes and paths eventually brought me back to town by way of Wavering Lane West.

By the time I reached home, I had managed 15km - not as far as on Monday, but definitely more than enough for a second day! Most importantly, I think I have now identified all the soft spots on my poor feet, so at least I know where the Compeed needs to go.

Some shorter walks through the rest of the week have set me up well for keeping the training going over the next month and a half. And all of the walks have got me thinking about Jesus' instructions to his disciples, as He sent them out 2 by 2; I'm carrying an awful lot more than He suggested - a backpack (christened Nobby!) with 2 changes of clothes, a spare pair of flip flops for when my feet rub and 2 walking poles, not to mention the various other 21st century 'necessities' like a phone and some soap! I wonder whether travelling lighter than that is sensible, or even possible, these days. Perhaps I should content myself that, in the spirit of those first Apostles, I am simplifying my life to the minimum I can. Will that lack of material encumbrances help me come closer to God as I walk? Time will tell.

Buen Camino!