Gillingham, Milton-on-Stour and Silton

Get in touch

There is currently no contact info for this benefice.

What's on

Prayer Group

Every Friday at for 30 mins
St Mary the Virgin, Gillingham
High Street Gillingham, SP8 4AW, United Kingdom

Join us for half an hour on a Friday morning for a small informal prayer group. We are currently praying for God’s guidance and support as we search for a new Rector in the Benefice.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin, Gillingham
High Street Gillingham, SP8 4AW, United Kingdom

A short prayer service held in St Mary’s on behalf of the ecumenical community in Gillingham and the surrounding area

Farewell to Rev’d Angus

for 1 hour
The Vicarage School Room
Queen Street Gillingham Dorset, SP8 4DX

There will be a gathering at 12 noon in the Vicarage School Room, Gillingham, for anyone in the benefice who is able to come along for a chance to say farewell. If you are able to provide a plate of finger food (cake/savouries) it will be very much appreciated. Please let your churchwarden know if you are able to help or kindly indicate on the list inside St Mary’s Church. Food can be left in the VSR from 9am on the morning or brought along at 12 noon.
If you would like to contribute to the benefice collection for Angus please put your gift into an envelope either in the collection plate marked "For Angus". Alternatively please give any donations in person to any of our churchwardens or church treasurers marked up in the same way, or you can give by BACS transfer directly into St Mary's account:
St Marys PCC, Account number 97333084, Sort code 09-01-55, Reference - For Angus
Please do not put any money through the letter box of the church office when the office is locked and not in use

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