Topics and dates:
17th March: Maintaining boundaries
24th March: Learning to Listen - guest speaker David Webb of Samaritans
31st March: Engaging with families - guest speaker Helen Horsley of Homestart
7th April: Being with those with illness or disability - guest speaker Rev’d Philip Ringer, Hospital Chaplain
14th April: Valuing Later Life - guest speaker Felicity Warner, Soul Midwife
28th April: At a Time of Loss
These sessions will take place at 7pm, in LATCH and include opportunities for reflection and discussion - and of course, tea and biscuits!
You can attend the whole course OR selected dates that are particularly of interest, but Lay Pastoral Assistants (LPAs) or prospective LPAs are expected to attend each session.
For more information or to book your place, before March 7th please, email: [email protected]
If you would like to become an LPA, please have a look at the Diocese of Salisbury webpage: and then chat with Rector Andrew.