National COVID-19 Day of Reflection

9-march-act-of-prayer-2025.pdf Download
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The 9th March 2025 marks the 5th Anniversary of the beginning of the Pandemic in the UK.

If you are would like to remember a loved one who died in the pandemic, do feel free to visit our churches, where you can pray or simply sit and reflect.

If you wish to remember from your own home you might like to use this prayer, and either light a candle, or light a virtual "online" candle:

God of love,as we think about all that has changed,help us to trust that you are always with us.As we remember those who have died,help us to trust they are at peace with you.As we reach out to others with kindness and care,may hope shine out in every heart and home.Amen.

Also available to download are a short service which you can use at home.