Rector's Ramblings - Sabbatical & Rest

Pastoral Letter - September 2024 - The Revd Mark Woodrow.pdf Download
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By the time that you read this, I will have already begun my extended sabbatical which starts on 1st September and runs until the 26th November.

Sabbaticals are an important part of ministerial life, providing an opportunity for clergy to recharge their batteries, deepen their faith, and return to their ministry with renewed energy and focus. In the Church of England extended sabbaticals are granted by the bishop to parish priests once every 10 years (although because of COVID and a backlog of clergy waiting, I’ve had to wait almost 12 years for my turn to come around!)

To facilitate this, I will be stepping back from the day-to-day responsibilities of parish and deanery life to focus on personal spiritual growth, study, and rest.

During this time, I am planning to go back to my old Theological College in Oxford as well as travelling down to the archives of the Royal Asiatic Society (of which I am an elected Fellow) in London as I continue my research into Early Christianity in India. I will also be going to a monastery in Belgium for a retreat and then catching up with friends both here in the UK and in Germany. Finally, I will be spending some extended time in South India, visiting the churches and communities with the Apostle Thomas founded there, as well as meeting up with friends and former work colleagues from when I lived and worked in India.

As you can imagine there has been much planning involved, but I am confident that the team of lay ministers and visiting clergy will ensure that the regular services in the Benefice will happen as usual.

As a Benefice we are blessed with a wonderful Curate, The Revd Dr Karen Smith, who will be there for all your pastoral needs, including Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals. She is supported by The Revd Liz Paxton, an experienced and recently retired Parish Priest.

(Should you need to contact Revd Karen, she can be reached on 07751 932408 or 01440 594036, or by email at [email protected])

May I encourage you to use this time as an opportunity to deepen your own spiritual lives and to support one another. Please continue to pray for me as they embark on this journey of renewal, and also for the people I will meet and worship alongside in India.

I look forward to returning back refreshed and inspired at the end of November - just in time for all the Christmas events and activities.

May God’s peace and love be with you all.

With love and blessings


The Revd Mark Woodrow
